
Oh, let's meet up for sure. I'll let you know if I come through where you are at some point.

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I was just in Zaporizhzhia, sorry not to have time to see you! Next time

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If you think about it, Ukraine is the best ally NATO could have in it's ranks, it's up there with Finland. Both border russia, both have no illusions or delusions of what russia is, both are formidable armies that both have and are defeating russia. Instead, through our fear and cowardice we are hanging Ukraine out to dry and we will turn Ukraine against us. Saying we're preventing escalation by withholding aid and permission to attack russia is simply a lie. We're actually feeding escalation by doing that, we're prolonging the war and we are directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians that didn't need to die. I've donated regularly to Ukraine since the Feb 2022 but if I ever met a Ukrainian I'd be so ashamed. What the west is doing to Ukraine is shameful.

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I think you're right, and Ukrainians do increasingly feel this. People here often tell me they are grateful for the aid they've received, but it's less effusive than it used to be. There's an emphasis on 'receivED' as if they're more and more worried about what's happening now. I get a lot more 'we are grateful to people like you' (because I'm there, and haven't forgotten them, and those thanks can be uncomfortable too sometimes, but that's a separate issue) and less 'we are grateful to the West'.

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You are so courageous! When will it be over? Brecht is is right together with Silvia. I saw a lot of Brecht in my youth on the Leningrad stage. First, they showed us Brecht, then, arrested, and then attack their own brothers and sisters. And always it's only one man- Lenin or Stalin, now- Putin. And the rest of the country is his slaves.

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It seems Russia's never going to get over this pattern of behaviour, doesn't it? We can only fight it.

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Sep 23Liked by Anna Bowles

What the heck?! They are bombing my friend?!

But no, what you say is very true and very serious and no joke at all. I am reminded of that Brecht bit, where the person speaking did not oppose this attack and that, until "in the end they came for me, and there was nothing left to defend me".

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Thanks. I think about that quote occasionally.too.

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